Hand-eye coordination

A significant proportion of children with attention defecit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have motor difficulties during their daily routines and this may have wide-ranging consequences on their development. One significant impact might be on their handwriting skills. This has a negative impact on their progress at school.

Other areas of impact could be on keyboard skills, preformance in sports and other activities requiring fine motor skills.

Exercises for strengthening neural coordination are helpful and recommended. Hand-eye coordination skills can be improved through a repeated series of targeted exercises.

Hand-eye coordination is how we physically interact with what we see. As children develop, they stop needing to look at their hands to be able to use them. Children become able to use their hands appropriately depending on what they see. Good hand-eye coordination is essential for routine daily tasks such as eating, getting dressed, using a computer or tablet and writing.

Dyspraxia can affect co-ordination skills.

Hand-eye coordination can be improved through practice.