Why does my child resist going to school?

Why does my child resist going to school?

In my experience over the years as Paediatric Occupational Therapist I have, on many occasions, been contacted by parents who can’t understand why their child is resistant to going to school and why they adopt a ‘survival behaviour’ such as fight or flight in order to...
Textures and clothing

Textures and clothing

There are many identifiable signs that your child may have Sensory Processing Disorder or SPD. In the same way as with other conditions, SPD exists on a spectrum. It might affect all of the senses or be limited to a single sense, such as touch. Some children with SPD...
What is SPD?

What is SPD?

SPD – Sensory Processing Disorder – is a neurological disorder that causes abnormal responses to sensory information. SPD is a complex disorder of the brain that affects both developing children and adults. Those with Sensory Processing Disorder can act...